TNT School Supplies

Ready, Set, Best for the Test (Pre-sharpened) Pencils

Ready, Set, Best for the Test (Pre-sharpened) Pencils


[one_third]made in the usa[/one_third][one_third]delivery80tall[/one_third][one_third_last]pma certified[/one_third_last]
Our number ONE pencil. Don't get caught on test days with unprepared students. Pre-sharpened so there are no last minute trips to the pencil sharpener. Do not get fooled by cheaper on non-American made testing pencils – they may not show up on scantron forms or sharpen properly. These pencils give you peach of mind that testing can start on time and be read by scantron machines.

Evenly assorted yellow or black pencils with black or gold imprint stating “Ready, Set, Do Your BEST on the TEST!”
Clearly marked as No. 2 pencils (which is required for some school systems)
Shape: round
White erasers with silver ferrule
Made in the USA
PMA certified
144 pencils per box

Additional Discount Up To 30%
For Your First Purchase

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